Thursday, August 25, 2011


1. A yellow ruler with blue ink, looks like it is used very long time and it is made of wood.

2. A rectangle stone seal with a complicated pattern on one side.

3. A head with no hair, his eyes are not open completely, and his mouth is prolapsed which makes his face serious.

4.A deceration-a standed person looks like an Indian, he has a pair of big ears, he wears a liitle cloth to cover his body, he puts his right hand inside the cloth and his left hand carry with a bag.

5. A deceration which is made of wood-a person who plays drum, wears a cotton cloth.

6. A yellow wallet has 50, 20, 2 Euro center , and 1 Canada cent inside.

7. A glass bottle with wood plug, it has beautiful outlook with green and yellow under the light.

8. A deceration-it looks like a house with white wall, and beautiful environment arround with it.

9. A very small plate with modern pattern inside.

10. Three small balls looks like chinese food.

11. A piece of cloth cloth has dark color with flowers.

12. A wood canoe has two features inside.

13. A rectangle blue thing named broad of commissioners of currency, it has many ancient coins.

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